It was Another Faith Clinic Prophetic Service to celebrate God’s Majesty all Over The Earth at The DGOGC it offered another fresh opportunity for God’s name to be lifted high. Messages of wisdom and mind-blowing testimonies worked together for good,

his message titled “THE DISCIPLES AND THEIR REWARD” disciple makwe
spoke specifically on the on the reward of discipleship adding that
there is a time to sow and a time to harvest in the price of sacrifices
paid by a true disciple, he also said Christianity is not a religion but
a relationship and that our work with God determines our relationship
with him and our labor in the house of God as a disciple will never be
in vain.
Continuing, he pointed out the rewards of a disciple adding that being a
disciple is a privilege because it is the lord that sets you apart
therefore you you will be honored by God and a hundred rewards awaits
In conclusion; he said that there is a crown of righteousness awaits every true disciple (2 timothy 4:8)

More Grace, I am Mrs. Matilda Momodu. I was having pains on my stomach in my lower abdomen, the pain comes up whenever am about to see my meiosis. I went to the hospital early this year and was diagnosed of fibroid and also booked for operation but I refused. When I was discharged from the hospital, I came back to benin. I was opportune to be in the DGOGC Tuesday prayer line where I received prayers from the man of God PIA Obaseki, few days after the prayers, my menstruation started flowing but the pain was still there and it lasted for 5 days. When I observed it i was skeptical so I had to examine myself the following month. Last week Wednesday, the pain came up and that day I was opportune to be in the DGOGC Wednesday faith clinic service. During the service, the man of God PIA Obaseki gave a prophetic word that there is a woman with an issue of blood and if not well attended to now by the holy spirit, could lead to operation, myself and other people came out and he prayed for us. The next day after the prayers the pain stopped and my menstrual cycle is restored back to normal now…..Thank You Jesus..

More Grace, I am Mrs. Igberase. On the 16th of March, I received a call from my son in Italy that some the white men in charge of them ganged up against him and he is in serious trouble. They threatened to serve him a document to either leave the country or go back home in two weeks time. Two weeks later, he was served the papers which he signed and after then they told him to wait for another two weeks because the papers has to get to their overall head before the charges will take effect. When he told me everything, I told my close friend and she was opportune to speak with the man of God PIA Obaseki on phone and he prayed for my son. one week later, the overall head of the camp called my son and asked him what the problem was, my son explained that he did nothing then he asked my son to go that he is free and he cancelled the charges against him……………Thank You Jesus