In the month of April, during one of our Faith Clinic service, the man of God Senior Prophet P. I.A Obaseki located me with a word of prophecy saying “ What I have been waiting for, for a long time that people have been mocking me that God has remembered that he sees me sharing testimony here”.
Before now, people have been mocking me, because all my daughters are of age but none of them is married. Nothing is working for me as prophesied by God’s servant Prophet PIA Obaseki Ministries.
To the glory of God last week Saturday, one of my daughter celebrated her traditional marriage in my own town. Thank you Jesus.
Secondly, my daughter who lives in Niger republic, was involved in a fight with someone and they were arrested and locked up in prison for 3 months.
I then gave her picture to my daughter here to take to PRAYER LINE for prayers which she did and the man of God prayed on her picture and said she will be released.
To the glory of God, my daughter called last week Friday and said she has been released. Thank you Jesus Christ.