The DGOGC Wednesday faith clinic service of 7th march 2018 was another glorious day in God’s presence. from the demonstration of God’s power via deliverance, effective prayers, accurate prophecies. the mind blowing testimonies and miracles reassured congregants that in Jesus Christ Hope is Everlasting

high point of the DGOGC Wednesday faith clinic service of March 7th
2018 was the word of God delivered by disciple Rufus. In his message
titled “HOW TO ENJOY GOD’S COVENANT OF BLESSING” disciple Rufus called
on Christians to submit totally to the will of God by exclusively
obeying and following the principles of his covenant in order to enjoy
his covenant blessings. According to him; “ to enjoy Gods covenant of
blessings, you must lay a foundation.
Continuing he described prosperity as a
building with 3 parts; the foundation, the body and the roof. It is only
the roof that God will give to you and you must lay the foundation and
the body yourself before God can give you the roof. “ that you are a
Christian, you go to church or you arte chosen by the pastor or even the
pastor, minister doesn’t qualify you but your wholeheartedness in
obedience to God’s covenant is what qualify you for God’s covenant of
Citing relevant scriptures (Amos 3:3) disciple Rufus described covenant
as a solemn promise and agreement between two faithfulness to enjoy a
positive result. In this regard, God is the covenantor and we are the
covenantee. And only those that engage in this covenant have the
promises of this blessings.
• Through Faith (Hebrew 11:6)
• Through Obedience ( Deuteronomy 28:11)
• Through Sacrifice (Psalms 50:5-6)
• Through giving (Luke 6: 38)
• Through Tithe and Offering ( Malachi 3:8-10 )